Who We Are
We at St. John's proclaim
Christ to Petaluma and greater Sonoma County through His Word and divinely instituted Sacraments.
Join us for Christ centered and cross focused Divine Service every Sunday. Please join us for Bible study, coffee and fellowship in the fellowship hall after the service.
Join us for Christ centered and cross focused Divine Service every Sunday. Please join us for Bible study, coffee and fellowship in the fellowship hall after the service.
Pastor: We are in the process of calling a pastor.
What To Expect
At St. John's, we are a Christ-centered and
Sacramental congregation in our teaching, preaching and worshiping. This means that we hold to the historic Christian faith in our
practice and teachings as defined in the Nicene, Athanasian, and Apostles Creeds. We are members of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.
At St. John's you will hear of Christ crucified for you. You will hear of our renewed relationship with God which comes by grace alone through faith alone, as described in Holy Scripture alone. You will hear the full counsel of God as delivered to us in His Holy Word. The focus is not on ourselves and what we bring, but on God and how He brings us His forgiveness through His gifts of Word and Sacrament. Having received these gifts of forgiveness, life and salvation, we are then sent out into the world to live according to His Word, serve each other through our vocations and share the good news in the world around us with everyone who asks the reason for the hope we have. (1 Peter 3:15) |
How We Worship
Today's Christian Church is the heir
of a rich tradition of worship, passed down to us by the saints who faithfully went before. They have left
us a storied and beautiful celebration of the Christian faith, which begins and ends with the crucified Christ,
who comes to us in Word and Sacrament. At St. John, we gladly participate in this ancient and yet relevant
worship practice.
In keeping with this storied and beautiful tradition, our service is both contemporary and traditional. It is traditional in that it is part of the timeless ethos of the Church, and contemporary in that it takes place in the 'now' and offers the Gospel to you presently, with a reverence that distinguishes itself from everyday life and worldly culture. Much of its structure dates back to the days of the early church and Old Testament Synagogue worship before. We call this worship the “Divine Service” because in it, God serves us. He serves us His gifts of grace and mercy found in the preaching of His Word and Absolution, the waters of Holy Baptism, and in the Lord’s Supper. During the service, we repeat back to God what He has said to us in his written Word. In doing so, we restate what is most true and sure. By repeating these passages and summaries of God's Word we know we are speaking and singing what He wants to hear. The service is therefore designed to involve all who gather in the name of the Lord. We would like to encourage you to follow along, sing and participate in any parts with which you feel comfortable. We primarily use the orders of worship found in the Lutheran Service Book (LSB) for our Divine Services. A brief explanation of the parts of the service can be found here: https://www.lcms.org/worship/liturgy-parts. If you have any questions about the service, the order of worship or what to expect, please feel free to ask an usher, elder or the pastor. |
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